The correct, balanced diet is essential for a long and healthy life. You can choose to either feed your ferrets a raw diet, Kibble or a mixture of both. Our ferrets are fed on a mixture of raw and high quality kibble. Kibble is readily available in their cage at all times and fed raw when supervised.
What ferrets CAN eat:
Raw meat such as: Chicken, Turkey necks, Rabbit, Game birds, Pigeon, Minced beef, Lamb, Offal, Lamb heart, Raw animal bones, Mice, Rats, Chicks.
Raw eggs (as a treat)
High quality kibble made specifically for ferrets.
What ferrets CAN NOT eat:
Any type of fruit or veg
Dairy products
Cooked bones
Bread and Grains
Ferrets require:
protein- 30%
fat- 15-40%
calcium- 1%
Salt- 1%
Fibre- 20-25%
Ferrets are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. You can feed your ferrets on a raw diet. For this diet to be efficient, it should consist of a range of different meats such as rabbit, pheasant, beef and chicken which should be offered with the Liver, heart, lungs and Kidneys. It is recommended that you remove the stomach and intestines as these consist mainly of thin skin and waste materials. For my ferrets, I buy already made complete raw foods from Southcliffe which consists of the 80/10/10 ratio. Raw meat should be replaced daily and ensure that none has been stored by the ferrets as it will deteriorate, causing bacteria which will lead to illness and even death. If you intend to feed a raw diet, please research this carefully to ensure the ferret receives the correct nutrients.
Complete diets are available in most pet shops. These are in kibble form and can be given at any time and left in the cage as it will not deteriorate. My ferrets are fed on Dr John Gilbertson Merlin kibble which they have a bowl full available at all times. Most dog and cat foods are NOT suitable for ferrets as they contain plant and vegetable matter which ferrets are unable to digest. When feeding Kibble, its always a good idea to introduce them to other mixes as they can become fussy and only like one type of food.
Helpful links:
Starting ferrets on a raw diet: https://www.rawfeedingadviceandsupport.com/ferret-starter-guide
Southcliffe bulk raw box: https://go-raw.co.uk/product/southcliffe-complete-20-x-454g-bulk-box/
Dr John Merlin Ferret Kibble: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gilbertson-Page-Merlin-Complete-Ferret/dp/B003TL3ZEK